恐怖指数(VIX 日経VI VSTOXX) 日経平均比較チャート
On the March 10, 2020 episode of World Business Satellite, Mr. Ryomaru Kumagai, Chief Economist at Daiwa Institute of Research, discussed the sharp rise in the VIX index (fear index) due to the COVID-19 shock. The VIX index reflects the level of anxiety and fear among market participants, and when it exceeds 20, it indicates a significant increase in fear.
Mr. Kumagai pointed out that during the Lehman Brothers crisis, the VIX index reached its highest level at 89. In the current COVID-19 shock, the VIX index had risen to 62 as of March 9, indicating a level of fear close to that experienced during the Lehman crisis. He also mentioned that data from the VIX futures market showed that, initially, the market expected the COVID-19 crisis to stabilize by spring, but it now anticipates the problem to persist until around September.
Furthermore, he explained that until the VIX index stabilizes and the COVID-19 pandemic is brought under control, the market is unlikely to calm down, and volatility is expected to continue for some time. He also highlighted that the VIX index had surged to 82.69 by March 16.